West Des Moines Grandparents' Rights Lawyer
Protect Your Relationship With Your Grandchild
Reasons Grandparents Can File for Custody of Grandchild
When parents are unprepared to care for their children or deemed unfit, their parental rights may be terminated. In these cases, grandparents and other responsible family members often step in to care for minor children.
In Iowa, grandparents have limited rights to visitation with or custody of their grandchildren. Under state law, grandparents may petition the court for custody or visitation when:
- Grandparents can prove they have a substantial relationship with their grandchild
- That visitation is in the grandchild's best interests
- That the custodial parent is unfit to make decisions regarding visitation
At The Law Offices of Mark R. Hinshaw, our West Des Moines family law attorney helps grandparents establish guardianships over the grandchildren in their care. By legally establishing your right to care for your grandchild, you ensure your decisions regarding their health, education, religion and general welfare will be respected.
Protecting the Grandparent-Grandchild Relationship
Many grandparents play a vital role in their grandchildren's lives. Divorce, the death of a parent or family disputes often threaten grandparents' ability to maintain relationships with their grandchildren. While grandparents' rights in Iowa are limited, there are certain circumstances when visitation may be awarded to a grandparent.
At The Law Offices of Mark R. Hinshaw, we understand our clients need to maintain bonds with their grandchildren. Our firm is always prepared for a courtroom fight. We work closely with clients to evaluate the situation and build strong cases for grandparent visitation time.
At The Law Offices of Mark R. Hinshaw, we can help. Located in West Des Moines, our family law attorneys help grandparents throughout the Des Moines area fight for visitation time with the grandchildren they love.