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The Law Office of Mark R Hinshaw The Law Office of Mark R Hinshaw
Serving families throughout the Greater Des Moines area 515-200-7571

Blogs from May, 2024

Common Challenges Farm Owners Face When Divorcing


Complex Valuation of Farm Assets

When it comes to divorce, the division of farm assets presents a unique set of challenges. Unlike typical residential or commercial property, a farm encompasses a diverse array of assets, including land, livestock, equipment, and crops, each with its own fluctuating market value.

Determining an accurate appraisal is crucial for equitable distribution, yet it's often complicated by factors such as:

  • Seasonal variations
  • Commodity prices
  • Depreciation of machinery and equipment
  • The intrinsic value of unharvested crops
  • Changes in farmland value due to zoning laws or urban development
  • The value of farm-related businesses or side operations
  • The potential for government subsidies and grants
  • Issues related to farm debts and liabilities
  • The sentimental value attached to family-owned land

This complexity can lead to disputes and requires the guidance of legal, agriculture industry, and financial professionals who understand the legal nuances of this type of asset division.

Impact of Ownership Structure on Divorce Proceedings

The ownership structure of the farm itself—whether it's a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation—also has implications for how assets are divided. In a sole proprietorship, the farm is typically considered a marital asset and subject to division. Partnerships and corporations, however, complicate matters further by introducing issues related to stock ownership, shareholder rights, and partnership agreements. Understanding these structures is essential for determining each party's share and navigating the legal intricacies of the divorce process.

Influence of Prenuptial Agreements on Asset Division for Farm Owners

Prenuptial agreements (or other marital agreements) can significantly impact the division of assets during a divorce, particularly for farm owners. A well-constructed prenuptial agreement can delineate what happens to the farm and its related income in case of marital dissolution. Specifically, if the farm was owned before the marriage, a prenuptial agreement could designate it as separate property, thereby protecting it from division.

Farm Ownership Prior to Marriage

When a prenuptial agreement stipulates that the farm is separate property, the central farm assets—including land, livestock, and machinery—are generally not subject to division. This ensures that the individual who originally owned the farm retains its control and ownership.

However, the specifics can vary depending on the terms outlined in the agreement, emphasizing the importance of precise legal language when drafting such a document.

Earnings During the Marriage

The treatment of farm earnings accumulated during the marriage is often a point of contention. While the farm itself may be designated as separate property, the income generated by the farm during the marriage might be considered marital property, especially in equitable property division states like Iowa.

Under Iowa law, even if a prenuptial agreement protects the farm, any earnings or profits generated from the farm during the marriage may be considered shared property and thus subject to equitable distribution. This is especially the case when the farm's income is commingled with other household funds or used to support the household.

When reviewing a prenuptial agreement upon divorce, several factors must be considered:

  • Clear definitions: Does the agreement explicitly define separate and marital property in context with the farm assets and income?
  • Income and investments: Are earnings from the farm directly addressed, and does the agreement explicitly say whether they will be treated as marital property?
  • Appreciation of assets: Does the agreement identify whether any increase in the value of the farm is considered separate or marital property?
  • Contributions of non-owner spouse: Does the agreement make any provisions to compensate for potential contributions made by the non-owner spouse to the farm business?

Prenuptial agreements are critical tools for farm owners to safeguard their assets. However, even with a prenup in place, the income produced by the farm during the marriage may still be subject to division, presenting a nuanced challenge that requires careful legal consideration.

The Importance of Consulting Experienced Legal Professionals

Due to the complicated nature of farm ownership and the many variables involved, farm owners or stakeholders in agricultural businesses facing divorce should seek guidance from a law firm experienced in these matters, such as The Law Office of Mark R Hinshaw. Seasoned legal professionals like ours can help you through the complicated processes of asset valuation, ownership structures, and prenuptial agreements to ensure a fair and equitable resolution.

Contact our firm online to schedule a consultation with one of our divorce attorneys today. We are here to help.
