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The Law Office of Mark R Hinshaw The Law Office of Mark R Hinshaw
Serving families throughout the Greater Des Moines area 515-200-7571

Blogs from January, 2024

Most Recent Posts from January, 2024

Navigating the Rough Waters of a Stalled Divorce


Divorce proceedings can be emotionally charged and complex, particularly when one spouse is resistant or uncooperative. This blog post aims to help you understand common stalling tactics used during a contested divorce, the reasons behind them, and how you can navigate these challenges with the help of an experienced attorney. Once a divorce is initiated, it can become a tumultuous process if emotions escalate and the estranged couple can't agree on proceeding smoothly. It's common for an uncooperative spouse to stall the divorce, either intentionally or unintentionally.

Here are some tactics a spouse might use to delay the divorce process:

· Refusing to communicate with the legal team or the other spouse

· Filing unnecessary motions to prolong the process

· Making unreasonable demands

· Regularly missing appointments or canceling at the last minute

· Ignoring or avoiding being served court documents

· Making false claims motivated by personal issues

· Disregarding advice from their attorney

· Frequently changing legal representation

· Leaving important documents unsigned

It's essential to understand these tactics and be prepared to handle the long-term consequences of a drawn-out divorce, which can be both costly and emotionally exhausting.

Why Would a Spouse Stall a Divorce?

While it may seem irrational, there are several reasons why a spouse might want to delay the divorce. They might hope that the petitioning party will change their mind, or they may have concerns about financial matters, child custody, or spousal support.

Here are some reasons why a spouse might want to prolong the divorce process:

· Concerns about their share of the assets

· Anger and a desire for revenge

· Hope to change the other spouse's mind

· Need time to hide assets

· Unresolved issues related to child custody or spousal support

· Using stalling as a negotiation tactic

· Desire to secure a larger share of the marital assets

Knowing these reasons can help you better understand your spouse's actions and strategize your response.

Actionable Strategies for Dealing with a Spouse Stalling Your Divorce

Handling a spouse who intentionally delays the divorce process can feel like an uphill battle. Nevertheless, there are practical steps you can take to regain control of the situation. With the right legal guidance, you can navigate this challenging journey and find a way forward. An experienced attorney can be instrumental in helping you deal with these challenges. They can schedule a hearing before a judge to discuss the issues caused by your uncooperative spouse. Once the court understands the situation, it may issue orders to your spouse to expedite the process.

Here's a detailed list of actionable strategies to handle a stalling spouse:

· Seek Legal Assistance: Engage a seasoned divorce attorney who understands the intricacies of contested divorces and has experience dealing with stalling tactics.

· Document Everything: Keep a record of all interactions, canceled appointments, and missed deadlines. This evidence can support your case if your spouse's actions lead to court intervention.

· Stay Calm and Patient: While it's frustrating, it's important to remain composed. Reacting emotionally can potentially escalate the situation and make matters worse.

· Communicate Through Attorneys: If your spouse is unresponsive or uncooperative, limit direct communication and let your attorneys handle the discussions.

· Request Court Intervention: If your spouse continues stalling, your attorney can request a hearing to present the case before a judge. The judge can then intervene in several ways:

· Court-Ordered Payments: The judge may require your spouse to abide by court-ordered payments, including temporary child and spousal support until your divorce is finalized.

· Contempt Charges: If your spouse fails to comply with court orders, they could be held in contempt of court.

· Attorney Fees: In some cases, the judge may order your spouse to pay for your attorney fees if they have unnecessarily prolonged the proceedings.

Remember, navigating a contested divorce can be stressful, but you don't have to face it alone. An experienced divorce attorney can provide the guidance and support you need during this challenging time.

Navigate Your Contested Divorce with Confidence: Choose Mark K. Hinshaw Today

Going through a contested divorce can be a challenging and emotionally draining process. It's crucial to have an experienced divorce attorney by your side who can navigate these complexities and advocate for your rights. Choose Mark K. Hinshaw as your trusted Des Moines divorce attorney. With his extensive experience in handling contested divorces, he provides the guidance, support, and effective advocacy you need during this difficult time. Trust us to fight for your interests and ensure a fair and equitable resolution. We look forward to assisting you and providing the assurance of a seasoned professional who understands and advocates for your rights.

To learn more about how we can support you through your contested divorce or to schedule an initial consultation, please contact us online or call us today at (515) 200-7571.
