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The Law Office of Mark R Hinshaw The Law Office of Mark R Hinshaw
Serving families throughout the Greater Des Moines area 515-200-7571

Blogs from April, 2024

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What Are Post-Divorce Modifications?


Divorce marks the end of a chapter in one’s life, but it often is not the last time a couple may have to engage in legal proceedings concerning their former union. Post-divorce, circumstances change, and with that, a need to modify the agreements initially set by the court may arise. These post-divorce modifications are a crucial aspect of family law in Iowa, providing a pathway for divorced individuals to adjust court orders as their lives evolve.

Understanding Post-Divorce Modifications

Post-divorce modifications refer to the legal process of altering the terms of a divorce decree after it has been finalized. These modifications can encompass various orders, including child support, spousal support (alimony), child custody arrangements, and visitation schedules.

It’s important to understand that not all aspects of a divorce decree are open to modification. In Iowa, specific stipulations, especially those concerning the division of property or debts, are typically considered final and not subject to change post-divorce.

In the state of Iowa, several post-divorce elements can be subject to modification, including:

  • Child support: Modifications may be requested due to changes in income, employment status, or the child's needs.
  • Spousal support (alimony): Changes in either party's financial circumstances can warrant a reassessment of alimony arrangements.
  • Child custody and visitation: Revisions may be sought due to relocation, work schedule changes, or changes in the child's needs.
  • Medical support orders: Adjustments might be necessary due to changes in health insurance coverage, medical needs, or healthcare costs.

Conditions for Petitioning a Modification

Iowa § 598.21C outlines the conditions for family law modifications. In particular, to petition for a modification in Iowa, there must be a substantial change in circumstances that was unforeseen at the time of the original decree.

Common examples include:

  • A significant increase or decrease in either party’s income.
  • A job loss or gain of employment.
  • Relocation due to job or family.
  • Changes in health that affect earning capacity or caregiving capabilities.

Retroactivity of Child Support Modifications in Iowa

When it comes to child support modifications, we are often asked whether an order can be modified and if the modification can be applied retroactively. In Iowa, the law is explicit in its limitations. Under Iowa law, judgments or awards for child support that are subject to modification can only be modified retroactively starting from three months after the date on which the notice of the petition for modification has been served to the opposing party. This three-month rule applies to actions for modification pending on or after July 1, 1997.

If retroactive child support modifications are a concern, we encourage you to consult with one of our attorneys to discuss how Iowa laws may impact your case.

Should You Get a Lawyer Involved?

If you seek a post-divorce modification, you are strongly encouraged to retain legal counsel. While individuals may represent themselves in post-divorce modification proceedings, the stakes are high, and legal representation can be invaluable.

An experienced attorney, like ours at The Law Office of Mark R Hinshaw, can:

  • Provide knowledgeable guidance on whether your circumstances qualify for a modification.
  • Help prepare and file the necessary documents correctly.
  • Represent your interests in negotiations or court.

We know that life does not stand still after a divorce, and the law recognizes this by allowing for post-divorce modifications. Understanding what can be modified, under what circumstances, and how Iowa laws may impact your situation can help you enter the process more confidently.

Contact us online to schedule a consultation and discuss your case with one of our seasoned attorneys.